It's like every Tuesday I prepare a new article for you "Today, I suggest that you are interested in a new stone: Jade
Always in the continuation of our exploration route Semiprecious stoneLearn from professional translators, companies, web pages and freely accessible translation databases. stoneIts history, its characteristics, especially its virtues and benefits
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JadeProtecting stone is a symbol of wisdom, purity, harmony and power. He has Heart virtue Charity, humility, courage, justice and wisdom. Choose this stone His Porter dispelled evil and attracted good luck and friendship! Do you want to know more about him?
I think it's time to tell you more. Let's go! Page: 1
Jade is used to make art. When a Chinese person owns a piece of jewelry or any other itemJadeHe wanted the dignity of the Empire.
Royal Pierre The best thing is, in China, we have been based on this at this time Jade
In Liang Zhu culture Jade For etiquette After they died, the VIPs were filled with Jade It depends on one's social status.
Chinese Emperor Qianlong Mineral So passionate, he accumulated a lot of JadePage: 1 In subsequent wars and invasions, the treasure was taken away and scattered around the world.
Jade For the treatment of renal pain and renal colitis.
This is a stone symbolizing the emperor, who had a scepter Jade Each prince also received jade tablets according to his level:
From the perspective of culture nephritis This is a very important stone: it is protected and its development is limited. Mineral It has been used in cutting tools, axes, gold jewelry and even diplomatic gifts.
Jade It also played an important role. Like many elements used in Chinese culture (fireworks, chopsticks, Feng Shui), Jade This is a stone that is becoming more and more popular in the West.
This stone is used for ornaments and jewelry.
Blue jade or white jade dragon ball
Whatever it is Jade, nephritis or yellowAll of these terms have the same origin.
We owe the Spanish conquistadors of the 15th century the word "jade" Spanish derivatives 'Ijada Piedre' Literally, it's a stone "Rabbit nephritis" (nephritis) His name refers to the Indian belief that jade is used to treat kidney disease.
Jade But he was famous in China for a long time. In China, many medical virtues have been associated with him.
There are two kinds of jade
It is composed of calcium silicate and magnesium.
stone Jade nephritis It belongs to amphibian group
It can be green, brown, yellow, gray or white. Sometimes there are tides
The company is mainly a variety of silicate. The hardness is between 5-6 and the density is between 3-3.2.
She's harder to find. This is one gemstonePage: 1 It is composed of calcium silicate and aluminum.
This rock belongs to the rocket group
There are many colors: cream, gray, brown, blue, orange, red Sometimes, we can even find a combination of colors and marble.
It belongs to the silicate family The hardness is 6.5 and the density is 3.3-3.3.
We can find translucent opaque jade Prices vary according to transparency and color intensity. A clear stone will be more expensive
Main mineral resources of jade China and Myanmar (Myanmar) However, this is also the case in Canada, Japan, Mexico, Guatemala, New Zealand (Jade Island, South) and the Russian Federation.
If you want, you can put the jade in the salt water.
Put your stones in the sun or on a pile of quartz.
The stone Linked to Gemini, Leo, Libra and Capricorn
stay San chakra About infertility Third eye chakra Migraine and Solar plexus For the package
Jade marriage symbolize the 26th wedding anniversary.
This is how this new article on Jade's stone.
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I'll meet you next Tuesday for a new article and in the meantime, I wish you a very good week!
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Valentin Mondanga Adu
February 20, 2020
Où est-ce qu’on peut acheter la pierre Jade?