In the indian traditional medicine, the being is composed of 7 chakras. The balance of these 7 chakras contributes to a person’s harmony. Both physically and psychologically. Each chakra is associated with a stone, that is why we speak of stones of the 7 chakrasEach stone has its own virtuesbut overall, they contribute to a person’s physical and spiritual balance and harmony. Since each stone corresponds to a chakra, it is not necessary to choose them any way. So you're going to know what these stones are and what the significance of the 7 chakras stones.
A being is made up of 7 chakras that are:
There are different ways to wear the stones of 7 chakras. The 7 chakras bracelet, the 7 chakras necklace, pendant, several jewelry is possible. The choice is free but what must be remembered is that the order of chakras must be respected. Indeed, in the lithotherapy, each stone is associated with one or more virtues on physics, health or spirituality.
Regarding use, you can simply lie down, relax and place each stone on the part of the body where the chakra is located. Then you have to focus on the stones and let them act on the chakras. We saw above the 7 stones to rebalance the chakras. If you encounter problems, remember to harmonize the chakras using The stones of the 7 chakras. So you may feel peace and fullness on a daily basis.
In the Traditional Indian Medicine, the being is made up of 7 chakras. The balance of these 7 chakras contributes to the harmony of a person. Both physical and psychologically. Each chakra is associated with a stone, that's why we talk about Stones of the 7 chakras. Each stone therefore has its virtueBut on the whole, they contribute to the balance and physical and spiritual harmony of a person. Since each stone corresponds to a chakra, you should not choose them anyway. You will therefore know what these stones are and what is the Meaning of the stones of the 7 chakras.
A being is made up of 7 chakras that are:
THE first chakra which is the root chakra which is located at the base of the spine. The dominant color of this root chakra is black and red. This chakra represents the Terre Mère link. The stones that are associated with this chakra are therefore the red stones whose red jasper or the ruby.
THE second chakra is the sacred chakra. It is located below the navel. The representative color of this chakra is orange. Thus, it is associated with the cornear or at the sun.
THE third chakra is the chakra of solar plexus. It’s the chakra that brings vital strength. Its representative color is the YELLOW. Thus, it is associated with the citrine, yellow jade or at suffer.
THE fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It’s the love chakra, the one you have to give and that you can receive. Its dominant colors are green and pink. Therefore, it is associated with pink quartz, at theemerald, at theGreen Aventurineor at the moraganite.
THE fifth chakra is located at the throat or ears. It promotes communication and the colors that represent it are blue green and light blue. Thus, the stones that correspond to it are theseaweed, there blue calcite, there Blue topaz or the celestine.
THE Sixth Chakra is that of 3th eye. Located between the two eyes, this chakra is the source of theinner balance. The colors that match it are dark blue, indigo blue and purple. Therefore, it is associated with Blue sapphire, At Lapis-Lazuli or theazurite.
THE seventh chakra is the coronary chakra. It is located at the top of the skull. It is represented by white, gold and violet colors. He is also associated with theamethyst, At rock crystal and at milky quartz.
There are different ways to wear the stones of 7 chakras. The 7 chakras bracelet, the 7 chakras necklace, pendant, several jewelry is possible. The choice is free but what must be remembered is that the order of chakras must be respected. Indeed, in the lithotherapy, each stone is associated with one or more virtues on physics, health or spirituality.
Regarding use, you can simply lie down, relax and place each stone on the part of the body where the chakra is located. Then you have to focus on the stones and let them act on the chakras. We saw above the 7 stones to rebalance the chakras. If you encounter problems, remember to harmonize the chakras using The stones of the 7 chakras. So you may feel peace and fullness on a daily basis.