Shaolin Temple -- the third largest place of worship in China

Le Monastère Shaolin - 3ème Lieu de Culte le plus populaire de Chine

About Shaolin Temple and his monks

Shaolin monk
  • Other names and names Shaolin Temple
  • location Song Shan countyDengfeng City, Henan Province
  • Construction date :
    • Emperor Xiaowen (or Emperor Xiaowen) of the northwest Wei Dynasty was founded in the fifth century in memory of Badu, an Indian monk who taught Buddhism throughout China, or rather teravada Buddhism.
    • In its history, Shaolin Temple has been looted, destroyed, destroyed and rebuilt many times. In the 14th century, during the revolt in red turban, rebels robbed temples and drove away monks. In 1641, rebel forces led by Li zichgeng destroyed the temple with the support of Shaolin monks in the Ming Dynasty.
Scenery aviation Temple Shaolin
The air landscape of Shaolin Temple
    • Architecture The total area of the church is about 58000 square meters. The monastery was built in an asymmetric way with seven main halls and many buildings around it. In the main hall, there are two statues: a Sakyamuni statue and a Guanyin Buddha statue. Or Kwan Yin More than 250 pagodas are located 300 meters west of the temple, or many Shaolin monks are buried.
    • worship Buddhism (also known as Zen Buddhism or Zen Buddhism)
    • 2、 Major developments :
      • According to Chinese legend, Indian monk Bodhidharma taught Zen and martial arts through Chinese and Shaolin monks. However, these facts have been denied by some historians. The origins of Zen Buddhism, martial arts and Shaolin Kung Fu are still unclear, partly related to Confucianism and Taoism.
      • According to reports, the most famous stories of martial arts and Shaolin Kung Fu spread in China and Asia after the Qing Dynasty destroyed the temple with the help of five escaped monks. However, many historians deny these facts. It is said that Shaolin monks themselves teach Kung Fu in nearby schools to avoid misuse of Shaolin art.
      • According to many legends and stories, Shaolin monks were regarded as an elite army and even spies by the Chinese emperor. However, this is wrong because they are rarely involved in combat and war (...). The installation of funeral steles in 728 bears witness to these events. It is worth noting that the practice of Wushu has in fact become an integral part of the worship and tradition of Shaolin period.
      • In 1966, during the cultural revolution, Shaolin Temple was partially destroyed. Many martial arts groups around the world donated monasteries, which were officially reopened in 1981. Since 1996, Shaolin Temple has been organizing military exercises around the world to promote the culture of China and Shaolin Temple.

    Do you have any other stories about Shaolin Temple? Please share in the comments!

    Now, a few photos Because the picture is better than the text! Page: 1

    Shulin Temple
    Pagoda Forest in nature (there are more than 250 pagodas). These buildings are actually the tombs of the most important monks and monasteries. It is located at the foot of the Shaoshi mountain (part of the Song Mountain), not far from the Shaolin Temple. Pagoda Forest is one of the largest forests in China and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2010.


    Shaolin Temple training

    Another tower of Shaolin Temple where?Sometimes monks train there

    Shaolin monk

    Monks in Shaolin Temple coachweekly No matter what the weather is, monks from Shaolin Temple will show up. Art world marketShaolin Boxing reach7 hours a day


    Shaolin Temple: history, religion and Chinese Wushu ArtMeir Shahar

    2 Responses

    REMY Alain

    REMY Alain

    July 13, 2016

    J´ai visite le Temple de Shaolin en 2005 lors d´un voyage en Chine et au Vietnam a velo. Ex-judoka, j´ai ete vivement impressionne par les performances des moines de Shaolin (de 8 a 88 ans) : vitesse, precision, amplitude des mouvements, etc.
    J´ai beaucoup moins aime les nombreuses boutiques au pied des temples et l´insistance des moines dans les pagodes qui te demandaient de l´argent.
    En tous cas, inoubliable !!!

    Pouvreau janet

    Pouvreau janet

    July 12, 2016

    Tres interessante explication, merci

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