Jokhang Temple - 2nd Most Popular Place of Worship

Le Temple de Jokhang - 2ème Lieu de Culte le plus populaire

Information and History of Jokhang Temple in Tibet:

  • Other appellations and names: Jokhang Monastery /Tsuklakang /Qoikang Monastery / Jokhang Temple / Jokhang Monastery / Zuglagkang / (in Tibetan: ཇོ་ ཁང ། / inChinese:大昭寺)
  • Location: Barkhor Squareat Lhasa (Capital of Tibet)
  • Construction dates:
    • The Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo had this temple built in the 7th century (in the year 639) to celebrate his marriage to his 2 wives: the Chinese Princess Wencheng of the Tang dynasty, and the Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti.
    • The temple has been enlarged several times throughout history, and extensive renovations and improvements took place in 1610, under the direction of the 5ème Dalai Lama. The temple has been renovated many times since.
Typical decorations of Tibetan Buddhist culture in one of the inner courtyards of the Temple
  • Architecture: Of Indian, Tibetan, Nepalese and Chinese inspiration, the area of ​​the temple is 2.5 hectares. Jokhang Temple is a vast complex made up of chapels, residential and service buildings, and courtyards. Mostly built from wood and stone, the temple is divided into 4 parts with 4 main entrances arranged at the 4 cardinal points, allowing the pilgrimage of the faithful. The Jokhang has 4 floors, and is mostly covered with gilded bronze tiles.
  • Worship: Tibetan Buddhism. Schools of Gelug, Gelug, Geluk, Guéloukpa or Guélugpa (also called the school of yellow caps). All the different schools of Buddhism are however accepted there.
Statue of Sakyamuni Buddha (Jowo), one of the most revered statues of Tibetan Buddhist worship
  • Highlights :
    • Jokang Monastery is the main residence in Tibet of the Dalai Lama, and the Panchen Lama (the 2 highest ranks in Tibetan Buddhist worship)
    • This temple is considered to be the most sacred temple in Tibet and of Tibetan Buddhist Worship, and considered to be the spiritual heart of Lhasa
    • Jokang is home to one of the most revered statues of Tibetan Buddhist worship, the Jowo, which is a representation of the young Sakyamuni Buddha, also called Gautama Buddha in other Buddhist cults, or the founding Buddha of Buddhism (the Buddha of the Buddhas). Tibet is home to 2 statues of Sakyamuni (or Gautama Buddha), which would have been carved during his lifetime. When Sakyamuni was alive, he refused any form of personal worship, and never allowed being represented in sculpture. Only 3 statues designed by him were allowed to be carved: one statue depicting him when he was 8 and 12 when he was still an Indian prince, and the last when he was an adult.
    • Jokhang temple has been the sad scene of massacres, looting and looting throughout its history, especially during the war between Tibet and Nepal, but also during the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Do you have other anecdotes or information on theJokhang temple? Do not hesitate to share them in the comments!

Some photos to travel ...

View of Jokhang Temple from Barkhor Square


golden dragon-roof-temple-jokhang
Golden dragon on the roof of Jokhang temple, after its renovation in 2014


The statue of Buddha Jowo Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) who is said to have been personally blessed by the Buddha



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