Banned books in Asia

10 livres interdits en Asie

Every continent sometimes has books and authors Review or banPage: 1 The same is true of Asia, where books may offend some leaders or misunderstand local culture. These are ten books banned in Asia

Banned books in Asia

1.      Zhao Ziyang's collection China forbids

Zhao Ziyang, a Chinese politician, was Prime Minister and general secretary of the Communist Party of China in the 1980s. Among other things, he is famous for his market policies and his preference for Western democracies. This story reminds him in particular Student support During the demonstration in Tiananmen Square

Zhao Ziyang discovered recording and recording methods. Thinking about ChinaPage: 1 The works collected by Zhao Ziyang have been circulated outside China and even in Hong Kong, but they are still banned in China because Chinese leaders simply do not agree with the analysis of influential party members before the party. China has also banned several books criticizing China's current regime.

2.      Xiaohei SanbaoJapan forbids

Xiaohei SanbaoHelen bennelman, for more than half a century, has been a great commercial success. Recently, the novel has been accused of racism. Although the novel did not violate any Japanese law, the publisher chose to withdraw it from the market. In addition, it also involves the infringement of copyright. Japan's first publication in the 1950s was published without a license.

The book, which has long been sold in Japan, does not have Bannerman's original illustrations, but contains illustrations by another artist who depicts Sambo as an African child, not an Indian child. In the 21st century, some alternatives have been proposed, but the controversy has not really ended.

3.      Better to stand and dieMyanmar embargo

Better standing and dyingTwo Chinese writers, dechanglin and Shuyang, describe a young Chinese woman's struggle for women's rights. Military government See the work as subversionThis is forbidden.

4.      PakistanPakistan ban

book PakistanStanley Wolbert is an important figure in the Pakistan foundation Muhammed Ali JinnahPage: 1 While this biography is considered excellent, it covers certain aspects of Jinnah's privacy that led to the ban on its dissemination by the Pakistani authorities. So far, no author has expounded the complicated history and personality of politicians so profoundly.

Stanley Wolpert is brave on this sensitive subject He followed Jinnah from a country boy to a law student in London. After returning to India, Jinnah quickly climbed the political class and became a major player in the turmoil that led to the division of India and the establishment of Pakistan. The book focuses on the opposite characters Gandhi and Gina.

5.      Bad Samaritans No entry to South Korea

Although South Korea is regarded as quite free, it forbids the use of force. Bad SamaritansFrom Ha Joon Chang to the military As a result, he was not found at all bases in the country. The ban was issued by South Korea's constitutional court. In this paper, the author argues that the spread of free trade and capitalism in developing countries is far from beneficial.

South Korea's defense ministry insists that HA Joon Chang's book is the carrier of anti-government and anti American ideology. Some intellectuals, including linguistics Noam ChomskyThey regretted that the Defense Department was trying to control people's minds.

While Zhang does not say he is anti capitalist, his book highlights the unwise part of the US in trying to impose loophole policies on emerging economies. In the end, he painted a false image of Brazil's future destroyed by his belief in Neo liberal policies.

6.      The killer in the head was covered with abscessesBan Vietnam

Despite the importance of literature in Vietnam, the author faces a system that imitates the Chinese model in the flow of ideas. It is in this context that this book The killer in the head is covered with abscessesGerman speaking provinces System prohibitionPage: 1 This work looks harmless because it's just a collection of essays written in Vietnamese slang. There are several pictures in the book, one of which seems to be an affront to the authorities.

The painting depicts two soldiers walking with grenades using their feet and football players. Under this painting, the legend says, "soldiers must always be noticed. The system considers that: mappingThe legend is offensive to the army, but the author thinks it's just a funny joke.

However, the controversy is a huge advertisement for the book, which has become a very popular publication. He was even tired The version of the report is now available on the Internet.

7.      Discussion of DemonsBan in Thailand

book Discussion of DemonsAccording to the history of Thailand, it was banned by the Thai authorities. Kruger's book thoroughly analyzes the events surrounding the death of King Siem Reap Ananda mahido1946. The law on the royal family is very strict, and it is extremely dangerous to deal with it.

The death of the king is a particularly controversial issue, and the king was shot in still mysterious circumstances. People around Mahidol are described as suspects and are under investigation. Kruger also reported on the trial of three officials accused and executed for murder.

According to the author, the most logical conclusion is that the king committed suicide. It is reported that he had an emotional relationship with a colleague while studying in Switzerland, which could not be extended due to his situation. Others claim that the king may have been accidentally killed by his brother Bhumipol.

The book was published in 1964. Thailand immediately banned him from entering the country and banned him from entering the country. The work has been in secret circulation for decades.

8.      Five cities rule the worldIndonesia forbids

In Indonesia, the fifth city, written by the theologian Douglas Wilson, is banned. The report describes the important moments of the most influential cities in the history of civilization: Jerusalem, Athens, London, Rome and New York. All of these cities guide the world at different times.

Some parts of the book were tried by Indonesian authorities. BlasphemousPage: 1 Large bookshop chains even burned all their works, describing the development and decline of these five important cities. Wilson is talking about the people and power structures in these cities.

Douglas Wilson is known for his conservative ideas and was not at his earliest controversies. In addition to defending classical Christian education, he has already been challenged for his view on slavery in the southern United States in the book Southern Slavery, as it was.

9.      Satanic verses banned in several Asian countries

Satanic versesby Salman Rushdie, which earned its author a fatwa, has been banned in several Asian countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. It was also banned in India, the homeland of Salman Rushdie.

The very complex and whimsical novel follows the trajectory of two immigrants torn between their culture of origin and their new culture. Some chapters tell the stories of the dreams and hallucinations of an Indian film actor. His hallucinations sometimes show him the pressures of a monotheistic prophet and an imam who returns home after a revolution, ready to devour his people. The reference to Iran would be the real reason for the fatwa Ayatollah Khomeini.

The title refers to an episode in Muhammad's life in which the prophet explains the contradictions of some of his messages by arguing that Satan had presented himself to him as the angel Gabriel and had dictated to him the false verses, which asked among other things to accept other gods.

10.  The Biblebanned in North Korea

It is very dangerous to have a Bible North Korea. Believers bury it deeply or hide it carefully to avoid forced labour. Christians wait until nightfall to read it. North Korea is considered the country where Christians are most persecuted.

The regime has built an almost divine cult against its leader and it is therefore forbidden to worship another personality. Proselytism is also forbidden and punished.

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