Where is the Chakra of the heart and how to balance it?

Où est le Chakra du coeur et comment l'équilibrer?

We meet this Tuesday for a new article devoted to Heart chakra.

Have you ever read our first 4 articles devoted to The discovery of chakras ? If not yet done, here are the articles that we have already treated. Just click on the link that interests you to read the article in question.

The first article is very general and from the second We come back in detail in each of the chakras so that you can perfectly understand how to locate and activate them:

What are the 7 chakras and why balance them?

What is the root chakra?

What is the sacred chakra for?

The solar plexus chakra: What is it? Where is it and how to treat it?

If you want to know what the Heart chakra, how to spot your dysfunctions and how to rebalance it, stay with us!

To start this article, it is important to know that The heart chakra is the one who relates to love, to your relationship with the other. This is the 4th chakra, it is also called Anahata in Sanskrit and it is attached to the green.

Bracelet 7 Chakras

Bracelet 7 natural stone chakras engraved


But who is the heart chakra?

He is the chakra that gives you the ability to love, give and accept. It not only allows you to let you go to your "Me deep", to love yourself and Develop your ability to love others and receive your love in return.

Coeur Chakra Identity Card


Discovery of the heart chakra on Asian craftsman

Metal :Copper- Mantra:Yam- Element :The air- Color :Green - Music note:Fa  - Physical sense:Touch - Symbol : The lotus with 12 petals.

Energy body: Astral body.

Function : union by love. 

Endocrine gland: The thymus.

Body parts: The respiratory system, the heart, the blood circulation, the nervous system, the lower part of the lungs and the upper part of the rib cage and the back.


Where is the heart chakra?

Where is the heart chakra?

Anahata is located just in the middle of the chest, on the sternum, which is why it is considered to be The chakra which receives the energies of the other 6 and transforms them to reach unconditional love:

  • The 3 lower chakras (the root chakra, the sacred chakra and the solar plexus chakra) - psycho-emotional energies.
  • The 3 upper chakras (The throat chakra, the 3rd eye chakra and the crown chakra) - mental and spiritual energies.


What do you feel when this chakra is balanced?

When the 4th chakra is open and that energy circulates well, You are able to receive and give love in return, you have harmonious relationships with those around you And you You feel perfectly for you. 

When it is perfectly balanced, here is what you are able to feel:

  • Respect and self -esteem and others;
  • Your actions are decided with wisdom, compassion and experienced with sincerity;
  • Mental stability;
  • Balance between physical and psychic;
  • Joy of life and foolproof enthusiasm (inner peace);
  • Acceptance of change (see only the positive sides of things);
  • Opening and friendly contacts towards others.

On the contrary, if you are colder, more distant, less kind than usual and that VWe tend to suffocate your spouse with your love is that you have to work on this Chakra So that everything is back to normal.


The dysfunctions of the heart chakra

The dysfunctions of the heart chakra

How to detect them? 

If the heart chakra is blocked, you will very quickly notice some type changes:

  • You become more demanding, critical and possessive;
  • You are in a changing mood;
  • You fall into depression, even even paranoia;
  • You feel dependent on the love of others, you need to be reassured all the time;
  • You hang up on material goods;
  • You have hypertension, asthma, have chest, heart or pulmonary pain.

If Anahata is too open:

You can quickly fall into extremes via A limitless love For the other, Too important a gift of self ...

You can even fall into self-centeredness and narcissism.

You then give others for the sole purpose of receiving as much in return, which can take you to live too passionate, even devastating relationships.

In terms of health, this can be felt by the appearance of heart problems And certain blood circulation disorders.

On the contrary, if Anatha is too closed:

You then become dependent on the others, you feel sad and depressed. It is much more difficult for you to show your love of fear of feeling the rejection of others And You lock yourself in yourself.

To protect yourself from all this, you prefer to flee the company of your loved ones and lock yourself in professional, intellectual or sports activities by practicing them intensively.

You can then reflect an image of someone cold, possessive, slanderous and unstable and feel physical on the physical level concerns linked to the heart, blood circulation or respiratory tract.

What are the possible causes?

When the Anahata chakra is disregarded, it can come from several things: 

  • Taking sweet or hard drugs;
  • The fear of reliving a suffering (mental or sentimental) already experienced in the past;
  • The loss of a loved one:
  • You do not accept yourself as you are;
  • You keep your feelings and thoughts for you without ever daring to assert yourself;
  • You lack open -mindedness;
  • You only live for others and rarely think of you;
  • You are no longer dreaming, you think that happiness is inaccessible ...


How to rebalance the chakra Anahata ?

If this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you must stimulate it in order to maintain it open. For this, different solutions exist:

  • Use and wear Stones that are associated with the heart chakra : Tourmaline, Jade, Emerald, Amazonite, Malachite and Aventurine ...
Natural stones 7 Chakras
  • Meditate, Sit and position your right hand at the middle of the chest, singing Yam.
pendant chakras tree of life
  • Teach better express your feelings, to open up to others.
  • Listen to warm music With instruments such as the guitar, the cello, the violin, the song songs or the sound of a river.
  • Choosing activities that really care (Stroll in the great outdoors, moments shared with animals ...).
  • Reclaim your dreams, to say that nothing is impossible.
  • Do not judge the actions of others And do not project your own reflection on the other.
  • Make some yoga postures such as the warrior, the candle, the fish, the cobra, the camel and all other positions that allow you to open the thorax.

Pendant 7 colored resin chakras and crystal


Here we are at the end of this new article, you must now know Where is the heart chakra, how to detect dysfunctions and above all how to rebalance it if it is subactive or hyper-active. 

If you have advice, additional information to provide on this subject, do not hesitate to leave us a comment just below the article!

You wantA nice gem that acts on the chakras? That's good we have just made a small selection to give you an overview of the products we offer on our shop! Click on the link to be redirected on the product sheet in question.


Discover our Selection of jewelry and objects 7 chakras, in order to refocus and rebalance all your energy points. 


See you next week for an article devoted to the discovery of a semi-precious stone and to discover the next chakra: the Throat chakra, It will be in 2 or 3 weeks.

Good week to you and good recovery if it's the end of the holidays!

4 Responses



August 20, 2020

Merci pour ce très bel article, non seulement bien composé, bien écris bien mis en page mais surtout qui va à l’essentiel simplement, qui nous informe sans nous culpabiliser.
Bravo. Merci encore, et à bientôt.

Fontano alexandre

Fontano alexandre

February 20, 2020

Merci beaucoup



February 20, 2020

Comment obtenir un bijoutier rééquilibrant les chantas du coeur ? Merci de votre réponse

Claudette Savard

Claudette Savard

December 01, 2018

Merci pour ces beaux textes que vous nous envoyez sur les cristaux…depuis longtemps que je travaille avec les cristaux et j’adore ça, connaitre toutes les propriétés de chacun. J’adore leurs effets énergétiques, leurs couleurs…leurs bienfaits. MERCI !

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