As you know, for a few weeks, I decided to share with you a short journey of Discovery of natural stones.
After presenting youTiger eye, L'Obsidian, there Turquoise and the Garnet , I invite you today to discover Agate.
As usual, I will approach different points to allow you to know how to recognize this stone of harmony and stability, which strongly connected to the earth, brings balance and luck in your home.
Through this new article, I therefore make a small point on its history, its mineralogical characteristics, the different types of agates, its virtues and benefits ...
It is also an opportunity for me to make you discover some of our Pretty artisanal products from Asia.
Happy reading!
This natural stone which has existed in many colors, has been present in many regions of the world for several hundred years.
As we will see, it was used from high antiquity (period marked by the invention of writing, around 3500 years before JC and up to -600).
It was a philosopher of ancient Greece, theophrastan, who gave him his name.
At that time, the name was not chosen at random, since it is simply a variation very close to the name of the river where the agate could be found in abundance: Akhatês. This river was in southern Sicily.
Mesopotamians and Egyptians very much appreciated theAgate, both for its virtues, but also for The beauty of this stone.
They used it in particular to jewelry creation and decorative objects, like vases for example.
Agate was attached to the Welsh goddess of the death of fertility: Ceridwen.
It is a supper arises in volcanic regions located in different countries of the world. We can find deposits in many countries such as Germany, Russia, Australia, India, Morocco, the United States ...
While traveling, It is not very difficult to discover everywhere different varieties of agate. Today the majority of the still exploited deposits are mainly located in southern Brazil and Uruguay.
Mala Lys bracelet in black agate and OM symbol
The agate belongs to the quartz family.As we saw previously, it is A stone that forms via volcanic lavas, it is therefore mainly made up of Silica.
It may be transparent or translucent and its brilliance is rather vitreous.
On the Mohs scale, its hardness is between 6.5 to 7 and its density vary significantly from 2.58 to 2.64.
It is a stone that counts Many color variations.
For the most vivid colors, they are often agates Having undergone a chemical action, by soaking technique.
You can indeed find Natural gray or blue agates, with degraded tones.
But also other varieties that can be encountered very often. To name only a few:
And many others like the tapered agate, the Agate tree, the moss agate, the Indian agate ...
Agateis a stone that is very often found in the form of decorative objects or jewelry.
She is able to act on several levels: emotionally, spiritual and physical, in order to avoid any energy blocking.
Like all minerals, it is a stone that requires being cleaned and recharged in order to keep all its properties.
To clean your Agate You can use salted distilled water, then expose it to lunar light, if possible.
To recharge it, simply lay your stone on a quartz or amethyst carpet.
Malay Malay Custom Mala in Green Agate, Silver and Crystal Stone
Depending on its color, Agate can be attached to different astrological signs. Only the sign of the scale can allow itself to wear all the colors of Agate.
Here is a small overview of the associated signs according to the color of the chosen stone:
In Chinese astrology, green and blue agates are among the 12 stones of love which are supposed to bring A sentimental life fulfilled to their wearer.
As with astrology, everything will depend on the color of the stone. It is simply advisable to opt for the stone color which is connected to the color of the chakra.
For more information on this and if you have not yet had the opportunity to do so, I invite you to read this article: What are the 7 chakras and why balance them?
This article dedicated to agate is now over, I hope you enjoyed reading!
Do not hesitate to leave me a little comment to tell me what are the next topics of articles that you would like to discover is always a pleasure to respond to your requests!
I meet you next Tuesday for an article, which will this time deal with chakras.
Quelle couleur d’agate mousse est autorise pour le signe astrologique vierge s’il vous plait?
et pour les gemeaux ascendant cancer c’est quoi la couleur?
vraimant merci pour toutrs
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L’art traditionnel chinois du Feng Shui, qui cherche à établir l’harmonie entre les personnes et leur environnement en équilibrant le flux de qi. Il englobe des concepts majeurs comme les Cinq Éléments (Bois, Feu, Terre, Métal, Eau), le Yin et le Yang, ainsi que la carte Bagua. L’article offre des conseils pratiques sur l’utilisation du Feng Shui dans votre maison, tels que le décluttering, l’amélioration de l’entrée et l’équilibre des éléments. Il se concentre également sur la manière dont les produits d’Artisan of Asia, comme les sculptures de Bouddha et les produits Feng Shui authentiques, peuvent vous aider à mettre en œuvre ces principes dans votre maison. En adoptant les lois du Feng Shui, vous pouvez rendre votre vie plus facile et plus soutenue, afin de réaliser vos rêves et vivre une vie meilleure.
Trouvez notre collection d’art et de décoration asiatiques dans nos magasins Artisan d’Asie et Artisan of Asia, et commencez votre voyage Feng Shui dès aujourd’hui.
L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
February 20, 2020
merci pour ces conseils