93% of our readers adopt lithotherapy
Malas can be used frommany ways,not just for religious purposes, they can be used as part of fashion or for theprayer recitation and meditation.
But especially no matter the cult they can be used for theirenergy benefits.
They are also widely used innatural medicine. Againstproblems with digestion, theback pain, thejoint pain, anxiety, thecold recurring, etc… And treat chronic pain in general (physical and mental)
These discomforts are all related and all have one thing in common they are usually due to situations of regular and inevitable stress of which we often do not even realize. Which tends to result in aenergy imbalance between our organs, which are no longer in adequacy and causes these discomforts.
Outside thediscomfort and theperformance drop, in your activitiesphysical, professional, relational andemotional. Over time and / or with age these energy imbalances can often result incancers, diabetes, heart problemsetc...
Forrestore your energy adequacy and to protect yourself from the disadvantages of our society, pollution, lack of time, etc ... it is not enough to wear a mala.
The choice of stones is an important first dimension,we recommend the combination of a cold stone and a hot stone forbalancing energies mala.
For example the eye of the tiger and the lava stone, theTiger's eye is a cold stone. Lithotherapy specialists agree that it regulatesthepancreatic glands andthe pituitary gland andstrengthens metabolism. It therefore allowsstabilize hypertension, regenerate tissues, reduces mental fatigue, decrease warts. it helps tobetter digest, to fightagainst diarrhea orcolic of emotional origin. Itreduces blood pressure, balances the left and right hemisphere of the brain.
Therelava stone is a hot stone. It retains and diffuses heat in a gentle and balanced way to the organs. It is not uncommon for it to be used by athletes torelax muscles and relieve tension of any kind, whether muscular or nervous. Lava stone also has virtues ofrevitalization and strengthening of the functions of the organization thanks to its mineralogical properties.
These two stones in combination regulate physical disorders in a complete way and so offer youvery large number of mental and psychic benefits because they help you indirectlybe in tune with your emotions to be able to fully enjoy them and no longer suffer them.
In addition these two stones recharge and purify in the same way, you just have to immerse them in demineralized water, put your bowl in the sun and wait a few hours. If you have experienced a strong period of emotional upheaval add a sprig of salt. We recommend one recharge per month.
Attention, many malas for sale on the internet are manufactured inindustrial conditions and often very unfavorable for workers,the stones used are therefore charged with negative waves and devoid of their energy.
That is why, since its creation the foundationArtisan of Asia advocates responsible craftsmanship. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of activity and employment with more than 200 Artisans in countries such as China, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, India, Cambodia and Thailand… Thanks to each order made.
What is a mala ?
The mala (Tengwa, in Tibetan, Look-Pakam in Thai) may be considered a rosary. Worn as a multi-lap bracelet or necklace, the mala is a prayer and meditation bracelet that has been worn for thousands of years by Buddhist, Hindu or spiritual seekers.
It usually consists of 108 beads made of wood, grain or stone, and one bead larger or different from the others at the end of the Mala (called Meru, in reference to the sacred Mount of Meru, which would be the Mount of the universe).
Why 108 beads ?
The number 108 has deep spiritual significance in Buddhist and Hindu cults.
Here are some of these best known meanings :
How to use a mala ?
Malas can be used in different ways, not just for religious purposes.
Nowadays, the mala is increasingly used in the context of fashion, as an accessory or jewelry. It can also be used for prayer recitation (regardless of worship) and meditation.
In the practice of meditation, the mala can be used as a counter. Like a simple rosary, it can objectively mark the duration of each session.
When reciting prayers or mantras, each repetition will be associated with a bead, allowing you to count exactly how many times you will repeat your mantra or prayer. When you reach the Meru (Pearl different from the others), it indicates that the turn of the mala is completed.
Je vous remercie de ces renseignements. J’ai en ma possession un mala de 110 perles, serait-ce u faut. Maintenant, on vend de tout (sans respect).
Cet article est passionnant ! Merci beaucoup :)
Belle journée à vous
Bonjour Emilie lawson .
Sachez qu’ un mala qui se casse est un mala qui a fini son travail et que vous avez franchi une étape . Il vous reste à un trouver un nouveau qui vous aidera à poursuivre une nouvelle étape.
J.ai eu mon collier mala lotus comment l.entretenir
Bonjour, après avoir subis 2 événements traumatisants dans ma vie j’ai été comme appelé par un mala en Pierre de lave et howlite…je ne m’en sépare jamais depuis 2 mois …sois je le porte au tour de mon poignet soit autour du cou et sous mon oreiller pour dormir…et puis un.jours il s’est cassé.. j’ai cru comprendre qu’il y avait une signification pourriez vous me dire laquelle svp merci
Merci pour la présision de ce post ;)
Moi j’ai trouvé mon Japa mala sur le site : https://www.ambianceyoga.fr/
Ils sont magnifiques…
Merci je viens de recevoir le mien j ai pu utiliser mon mala enfin et j avoue que en tant que bouddhiste cela. M apporte beaucoup de cerenite de l’avoir merci
Namasté, merci pour vos explications. De beaux articles.
Reçu le mien aujourd’hui, délais de livraison ok et conforme à mes attentes, n’hésitez pas.
J’attends le mien et ce que je ressens est étrange, comme une nécessité de le porter.
Merci pour ces explications.
Bonjour. À quoi sert les pierres marqueur ?
Merci beaucoup ça répond a mes questions. :)
je veut une pour guérire et la richesse merci
bien très beau article pierre
Merci pour ces précieuses informations, et super intéressantes. :)
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L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
April 12, 2019
Peut-on porter son mâlâ au poignet droit ?
D’avance merci.