Buddhism is defined by the majority as a religion. In fact, with nearly 300 million followers, it is today considered the fourth religion in the world, preceded by Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in third place. But if it is a religion, who is its God? What does he promise? Does he advocate life after death?
The true definition of Buddhism provokes many controversies. While others see it as a philosophy, others describe it as a way of life. Let's determine it together then!
Buddhism is a name derived from the word "budhi" which means "to awaken". Its main objective is to achieve enlightenment, that is, nirvana or enlightenment. To do this, its practitioners called “Buddhists” adopt several techniques: meditation, prayers and offerings. They also study philosophical as well as psychological teachings and thoughts.
The doctrine of Buddhism is based on the teachings of the first Buddha, Siddhartha. It is based on the concept that in order to achieve enlightenment, one must break with egoistic desire as well as illusion, because these two aspects are the source of human suffering.
In Buddhism, there are 4 truths. According to the Theravadins, if a person understands and applies these truths, they will easily attain enlightenment. These are the truths of suffering, of the'origin of suffering, of the cessation of suffering and finally path that leads to the end of this suffering. Their application helps break the vicious cycle of rebirth and death.
As for the Mahayana, he believes that enlightenment is achieved when an individual attains supreme wisdom and takes advantage of this latter to help those around him. The bodhisattva (one who has attained nirvana) can then live in the world without causing karma. On the contrary, he will guide people to encourage them to wake up in turn.
The first Buddha (the most famous and even founder of Buddhism) is called Siddhartha Gautama (or Gotama). He was born around 563 BC. This divine figure comes from a wealthy royal family, coming from Lumbini (present-day Nepal). When he was 29, he realized that wealth does not guarantee happiness. He then left his kingdom to explore different philosophies and religions in order to find the path to happiness.
After 6 years of research and meditation, he finally discovered his way and came to enlightenment. He then spent all his time professing his precepts. Unlike other religions, this divinity asked his followers to experience his teaching and not to take them for granted.
To come back to the question “Is Buddha a God?” The answer is no. Buddha is not a God, and even while he was still alive, he did not see himself as such.
Even though Buddha is not the creator God like that of Christians, his practitioners still worship him as Bhagavat; described as worshiper or supporter of a deity in his personal aspect, which takes a crucial role in Mahavana and Theravada.
The first Buddha is Siddhartha Gautama, but there are other hundreds. You even have the opportunity to be one if you convert to Buddhism! However, before imagining yourself on the beautiful golden statues of Thailand or Burma, know that there are several steps to take.
The Buddha is above all the one who has attained Nirvana. But not only that! The followers who have reached this stage are divided into three titles.
To each his own definition! Since the very meaning of philosophy is "Love of wisdom". So, yes, Buddhism is a philosophy, as its precepts are based on wisdom, awareness of one's actions as well as self-development in a moral life.
If you do not believe in gods and irrational ideas, you can still view Buddhism as a thought or a way of life. It is an effective technique for regaining inner peace and being in harmony with both yourself and your environment. The application of its precepts also allows you to find happiness, to get rid of various problems in society.
And again, in philosophy, all thought is relative, there is no absolute truth. This is the case with the teachings of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. This character also encourages his disciples to question each of his precepts.
A science ? Why not ! Science is based on observation, study and verification. Buddha Siddhartha Gotama himself encourages his students to review his teaching and test it so that they come to their own conclusion.
The Buddhist religion, if it can be called that, is very open to other belief systems. It also accepts some ideologies of certain religions.
Promoting wisdom, knowledge and understanding, its main goal is to have inner peace and achieve happiness. Buddhism neither convinces, nor converts. He tolerates that the person is Christian, Hindu or Muslim. Moreover, it is not surprising that we never hear of war or conflict being waged on their behalf, except from sects or small extremist groups involved in the politics of their countries, unfortunately ...
And you ? Are you a follower of Buddhism? How long have you been practicing it?
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L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
Lefranc Jean-Claude
February 20, 2020
Je suis pleinement en accord avec le bouddhisme !