Today, I'd like to talk to you about Anhui Province, which is located in eastern China. This province is famous for Huangshan. Typical sceneryAnd his Scenic villagePage: 1 However, there are many other aspects that make one of our favorite provinces one of our favorite. In this article, we will discuss the tourism and practical aspects of this beautiful area.
Anhui Province was founded in the 17th century. During the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi ruled Anhui Province. This is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. In the Three Kingdoms (Wu, Shu and Wei), agriculture and handicraft had already occupied an important position in the national economy. Anhui has been less affected by industrial and economic revolutions in the past two decades, but it is still a part of Anhui. Agriculture and traditional ProvinceFrom his landscape, art and lifestyle Please click on the link belowInformation of Anhui Province !
Like many provinces in China, Anhui has one Subtropical climate Wet trawl waves in summer and dry ice waves in winter. January is the coldest month with an average temperature between ° 1 ° C and ° 4 ° C, and July is the hottest month with an average temperature of ° 27 ° C to ° 29 ° C. rainfall varies greatly depending on latitude. The average annual precipitation is between 750 mm and 1700 mm. Therefore, Anhui has a variety of climates, ranging from dry to humid in winter.
According to my experience Each season has a different show It's worth a try. Winter provides misty and mysterious scenery, which is characteristic of China. Spring and autumn scenery presents a variety of colors, because there are many fields, forests and agriculture. Finally, summer provides a show that is quite relaxed and good for children.
in order to According to the weather forecast, plan your trip to Anhui and other provinces in China Especially to avoid rain This website To provide you with the most favorable weather conditions!
On the plane
Anhui is a very well served area. Depending on your route, you can take flights to Haifei and Tunxi airports ("flights from Hong Kong and flights from Nanjing (" Nanjing airport in Jiangsu Province "), which is located on a bus at about 1 o'clock, or by bus
Looking for flights to Anhui Province"I suggest this old guy" Expedia Anhui main destination Flight List practical!
The train service in Anhui Province is also very good, especially if you are from Shanghai, or from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
If you want to Go to China by trainOn your website, China information provides very useful information and a list of websites to book your flight.
once again The bus is one of the best means of transportation. Anhui Province The roads are well maintained and there are many expressways connecting the main tourist attractions, so that you can get there easily and quickly. If you have a larger budget and you prefer the "comfortable" option, you can use a private taxi or driver.
A typical house in Anhui has a very spacious living room, usually built around a fully open interior courtyard to naturally light all the rooms of the house. The characteristics of the exterior walls of houses in Anhui Province are higher than those in other provinces.
Huangshan is often calledNext mountain in heavenIt consists of 72 steep peaks The highest mountain is the lotus peak, 1860 meters high. If you want to climb to his top, you can choose a cable, or 4000 steps! I strongly recommend that you spend an evening at the top of the mountain in order to enjoy the sunset and dawn and provide amazing views.
Huangshan has been cherished by Chinese painters and calligraphers for a long time. Xu Xiaoke, a famous Chinese writer and geologist, visited Huangshan twice and left a classic comment as follows: Those who have seen the five sacred mountains do not need to visit other peaks, but those who have seen Huangshan are no longer gratified to see the five mountains. English: in French
In Chinese history, many Chinese poets left their poems on this mountain. In the past 12 years, Huangshan has been the most visited mountain in China.
Some of the information comes from the website This is an English website and blog dedicated to Chinese culture, history and philosophy journey China.
These beautiful villages are not far from Huangshan. In 2000, both countries were listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites due to the typical structure of the Han Dynasty. Both villages have small crafts and Chinese decoration factories, family restaurants and hotels, and monuments to visit. To fully enjoy this, stay overnight at a hotel or family hotel, enjoy the tranquility of its village and taste traditional and family dishes.
in order to More about Hongcun and SidiI think the UNESCO website is one of the best in the world. For one Practical guide to Red VillageI personally like travel websites very much. China Anhui other cities and vast areas also provide a lot of information!
This mountain is one of the four sacred mountains in Chinese Buddhism. It has 99 peaks and is famous for many temples and cemeteries dedicated to Buddhism.
This is one of the four sacred mountains of Taoism As we all know, there are many temples and monasteries with many marks carved on the rocks.
Like the rest of China, the kitchen in Anhui Province is sacred!
Wuhu City is one of the four most important areas of rice planting and fish breeding during the Qin Dynasty, so the cooking characteristics of Wuhu City are particularly famous. The House claims to be a small town or xiaolongbao, and the famous Chinese dumpling contains a joke and soup, which was originally born (rather than in Shanghai, as many people think).
I think it's the best dish in Anhui.
If you are a fan of Chinese food and want to cook Chinese food by yourself, I suggest you go to the website Recipes Zhang dema song
Many celebrities and historical figures in Anhui have left a deep impression on China's history and culture. This is the most important list:
Source: this good old man Wikipedia !
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L’art traditionnel chinois du Feng Shui, qui cherche à établir l’harmonie entre les personnes et leur environnement en équilibrant le flux de qi. Il englobe des concepts majeurs comme les Cinq Éléments (Bois, Feu, Terre, Métal, Eau), le Yin et le Yang, ainsi que la carte Bagua. L’article offre des conseils pratiques sur l’utilisation du Feng Shui dans votre maison, tels que le décluttering, l’amélioration de l’entrée et l’équilibre des éléments. Il se concentre également sur la manière dont les produits d’Artisan of Asia, comme les sculptures de Bouddha et les produits Feng Shui authentiques, peuvent vous aider à mettre en œuvre ces principes dans votre maison. En adoptant les lois du Feng Shui, vous pouvez rendre votre vie plus facile et plus soutenue, afin de réaliser vos rêves et vivre une vie meilleure.
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