What does Turquoise represent?

Que représente la Turquoise ?

In previous articles, we saw in particularThe benefits of tiger eye stone, as well as theObsidian.  In this discovery course ofsemi-precious natural stones, I invite you today to look at this time, onThe turquoise.

Mala Turquoise stone bracelet and white jade

Mala Tibetan in turquoise and white jade (limited series "mineral blue" edition)

Let us discover together its origin, its history as well as its nShadows and virtues. To give you a taste of what will follow, keep in mind that this stone helps youBetter control your thoughts and each of your actions. Listen to what she says, that's how you will become aware of all your potential!


Origin and History

From yesterday ...

First, turquoise jewelry dated 6000 years before J-C were found in Egypt.

Mala Turquoise and sandalwood necklace lily

Then, the quality of the turquoise was recognized at the time of the Persians where it was used from 5000 years before J-C. It has since been much sought after for its special color. She served at the time ofTalisman against the bad eye.

In America, it was asacred stone which was used as a currency of exchange. Subsequently, many mosaics, sculpted objects and other treasures were born and marked the former Indian occupation in western America.

See you today ...

The Amerindian peoples and Navajos makeMagnificent jewelry with this stone. They perfectly combine money and turquoise and sell their jewelry worldwide.

What does the “turquoise” name mean?

It was the Venetian merchants who introduced turquoise in Europe. They were then convinced that this stone came from Türkiye, it was for them,“Turkish stone”. As you can easily notice, this is how we find in its designation all the letters of "Türkiye". Then she gave her name to the color you all know:Turquoise blue.


Mineralogical characteristics

The turquoiseis a very easily recognizable stone thanks to itsblue or greenish color. It has returned strongly to the market in recent years, it is found on a large number of Tibetan jewelry and inMiao craftsmanship. It goes perfectly with the silver color.

Mala Turquoise Lys bracelet

Mala Lys bracelet in turquoise and silver

Mala Turquoise necklace and lily cedar wood

Malali Lys necklace in turquoise and cedar 

This stone has a density of 2.6 to 2.8 and a hardness between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale.

Where to find the “turquoise”?

This stone is a aluminum and copper phosphate. Unfortunately today, a large number of deposits are exhausted. Those still existing are located mainly in China, Mexico, Iran, the United States and Tibet. The best known and oldest deposit is Mount Ali-Mersai, located in the province of Khorasan in Iran.


Colors and different types of turquoise

Light blue, deep azure blue, dark green or apple green ... The different colors of turquoise are very numerous, just like the different shapes and sizes they can take. Its color depends above all on its components, the more copper there is and the more the turquoise will be blue.

They are very often marked by some cracks (darker veins) which simply show the presence of other minerals. And admit that this is very often everything that makes its charm and its So unique aspect from one stone to another!


Virtues and properties in lithotherapy

As we saw just above, there are A wide variety of turquoise, it is therefore impossible to make a complete list of all the virtues associated with this stone.

However, we will approach the main ones here so that you realize the powers of this stone. You never choose a stone by chance, it is important that it speaks to you and is the symbol of values ​​that suit you.

Mala Sanal Wood Collar, Obsidian and Turquoise Stone

Mala Buddhist bracelet - sandalwood and semi -precious stones (limited series edition "OM man Padme hum")


No matter how you decide to wear it, Turquoise is above all a protective stone and blessing for the one who wears it. She goes in particular:

  • Strengthen your eyes, liver and glands.
  • Regenerate and more easily treat tears from ligaments and tendons.
  • Help the body fight against viruses and bacterial infections.
  • Detoxify your body. By carrying it in the form of a necklace or bracelet, it rids your body toxins from food, alcohol and pollution.
  • Fight against headaches and migraine.
  • Regulate food disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia and limit excess acidity.
  • Athoring problems related to the respiratory system such as asthma, cough, throat pain or lungs. It will also serve as a protection against hay fever!

On the psychic and psychological level

It is a Great power stone, capable of Adapt to the heart and mind of the person who wears it. It remains continuously in symbiosis with the cosmos and with humans. You can notice his many powers for:

  • Absorb negativity and transform it into positive waves. Turquoise thus helps to fight against negativity by helping you balance and align your chakras.
  • Give back the joy of living and the strength to go to the end of his dreams. To say goodbye to depression and be more peaceful, you just have to sleep with a turquoise.
  • Find a quiet sleep and keep the nightmares away.
  • Protect yourself during travel. You may have heard that employees working in aviation or sailors still take a turquoise with them ... It acts as a real object of protection against accidents.
  • Facilitate communication. Whether it is for concerns of stuttering (in children, place the stone every day only 10 min on the throat chakra) or fear when speaking in front of an assembly, this stone helps you to gain insurance for Oral communication.
  • Maximize your inspiration and creativity. Some say that this stone is also very useful for facilitating the creations of writers and artists.


How to clean and maintain my turquoise?

Like many stones, it is essential to often maintain your turquoise and keep an eye on the state of your stones.

Recharge my turquoise

You just have to place it on the rays of the moon.

Does your stone change color? Becomes dull?

In this case, we simply advise you to return her “freedom” to him, by returning it to the earth. This is simply the sign that she is exhausted and has nothing to give you. It is said that it is "extinct".


To go a little further ...

Astrological signs

Malalier Mala 7 Chakra Lys

This stone will be very beneficial to the scorpion sign, but to: Gemini, balance, sagittarius, fish and Aquarius.

Turquoise and associated chakras

This stone is Mainly associated with neck and throat chakras.

Placed on the heart chakra, it strengthens friendship and love, while eating anger.

But also :

Do you know that this stone corresponds to the 18th wedding anniversary? Indeed, after 18 years of marriage, it is good to celebrate the wedding of Turquoise!

One last advice! To keep The benefits of your stone, Avoid contact with hot weather, water and household products that could dry it out.


And now, we are already at the end of this new article. I hope you have found the answers to your possible questions.

If you want to deepen a particular point, do not hesitate to leave us a comment! We will be happy to chat with you.

Remember, the blog is there to provide you with information, but above all we want it to be a place of exchange where you feel free to react on this or that subject. 


And don't forget to stay connected, we meet soon for a new article!

See you soon !

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