To continue our Discovery of semi -precious stones, I offer you the following article this week: What is garnet?
For information, if you have missed the previous ones, find them easily thanks to the following links:
What does turquoise represent?
The benefits of tiger eye stone
Through this article, we will therefore approach multiple points such as its history, its Benefits and virtues, its different varieties and a whole bunch of other information that will help you to choose your stone better.
Mala Buddhist bracelet - Garnet (limited series "fa guo" edition)
Known for many years, Grenats have crossed history.
It would seem that this story begins with Théophraste (philosopher of ancient Greece) who had already called them Anthrax.
These are stones that have always been appreciated for their beauty and very often used to decorate jewelry.
Grenats already existed and were called skirmish (Dark red garnet).
Whether in Greece, Rome or ancient Egypt, we found the cut grenats are forms of faces or animals.
If we believe the Bible, Noah would have used a lantern of Garnet To direct his ark in the darkness of the flood. As for the Koran, the fourth heaven would be made up of a snails.
They used them during funeral ceremonies. According to them, this stone had the ability to guide the dead towards "Le Valhalla", their paradise.
It is said that European courtiers loved Bohemia Grenats ...
The Principality of Hunza (northern Pakistan) went under British control in 1891. The warriors then decided to shoot the British in cashmere with bullets of garnet. For what ? Because they believed that their red color blood gave them a more deadly character.
His name simply comes from the Latin "Malum Granatum" which means "grain fruit". It turns out that its Flamboying red color Recalls the grains contained in the grenade.
Another story also seems to say that its name is due to the rounded shape of the first crude stones found, which were very similar to the appearance of a grain.
Garnet represents a family of minerals that belong to the family of crystallizing born.
It is a family that is made up of Several varieties of stones, which can be translucent or not transparent depending on the models.
These stones have a hardness of 6 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale and a density of 3.5 to 4.3.
Mala Tibetan artisanal in garnet pearls
As we have already seen in the articles devoted to other stones, the deposits are sometimes complicated to find.
The advantage with Garnet The deposits are abundant. It is also found in France, on the side of the island of Groix in Brittany.
But also in India, Tanzania, Madagascar, Russia, Canada, Brazil and many other places!
These minerals are found in:
The most regularly you will find this stone in A red color.
However, there are many varieties due to the chemical composition of this mineral, you have in particular:
For the undecided, the best option is still to opt for a jewel made from different varieties of garnet, such as this artisanal Mala composed of 108 garnet stones with multiple colors.
The list is long and there are still many, I invite you to complete your research by reading other articles or files on the subject.
So you can make your choice according to your preferences and discover Grenats of purple, brown, oranges, green, yellow colors ...
Garnet is considered to be A transformation stone Capable of surpassing difficulties, intensifying love passion and improving sexual appetite.
It represents La creativity, but also vitality necessary to carry out personal and professional projects by freeing you from packaging.
It is a stone that adapts to calm and laid people, it is not recommended for jealous or angry people.
Mala Buddhist craft in garnet
Regardless of the variety of your stone, it must imperatively to be kept away from extreme temperatures. A thermal shock could cause irreversible damage.
To clean it, simply pass it under running water regularly (once a week) and to purify it, you can immerse it in salted distilled water.
You can do it in several ways:
Garnet is generally associated in January And therefore to the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.
However, faced with the many varieties that exist, many other signs can be attached to stone depending on the variety chosen.
As for astrological signs, different chakras can be associated with Garnet.
In its most general form, the following chakras are attached to it:
When choosing your Garnet, know that the more transparent it, the higher its price.
I hope this article you have more, you can find all Our jewelry made with garnet stones by simply following this link: Garnet.
If you want to, do not hesitate to tell us in the comments the variety of garnet you prefer! And if you have a question about this particular stone, it is also with pleasure that you can ask us here.
We meet next week for a new article. In the meantime, don't forget to give yourself moments just for you!
See you next Tuesday!
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L’art traditionnel chinois du Feng Shui, qui cherche à établir l’harmonie entre les personnes et leur environnement en équilibrant le flux de qi. Il englobe des concepts majeurs comme les Cinq Éléments (Bois, Feu, Terre, Métal, Eau), le Yin et le Yang, ainsi que la carte Bagua. L’article offre des conseils pratiques sur l’utilisation du Feng Shui dans votre maison, tels que le décluttering, l’amélioration de l’entrée et l’équilibre des éléments. Il se concentre également sur la manière dont les produits d’Artisan of Asia, comme les sculptures de Bouddha et les produits Feng Shui authentiques, peuvent vous aider à mettre en œuvre ces principes dans votre maison. En adoptant les lois du Feng Shui, vous pouvez rendre votre vie plus facile et plus soutenue, afin de réaliser vos rêves et vivre une vie meilleure.
Trouvez notre collection d’art et de décoration asiatiques dans nos magasins Artisan d’Asie et Artisan of Asia, et commencez votre voyage Feng Shui dès aujourd’hui.
L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
June 27, 2018
Le produit que vous montrez en photo n’est il pas de la cornaline ? Pour moi , le grenat est rouge foncé , mais je me trompe peut etre……