Last month, I presented the stone to you Tiger eye. On this occasion, I promised you to make you quickly discover another Semi-precious stone.
It is therefore with great pleasure, that I present to you today Obsidian.
So I will explain its origin, its history, but also its benefits and virtues.
This very old stone owes his name to a character of ancient Rome, a certain Obsius, which would have been the first to find this rock in Ethiopia.
Obsidian is a natural volcanic rock.
This stone is formed when the lava is solidifying. The transformation of the liquid state in the solid state is so rapid, that minerals do not have time to crystallize.
Prehistoric men used theObsidian as a raw material for the manufacture of their weapons. It is indeed crumbling If you break it, making it a formidable weapon.
Many traces of obsidian have been noted in the Neolithic, in southern Europe. In particular, there was a business around stone, which was transported from the volcanoes of current Italy.
Some used Obsidian mirrors.
It was a more effective way than the polished metal mirror to see the person as they were. It was in a way a way of going beyond the field of vision and to see more things than the image returned by the mirror.
Regarding a magmatic rock, it is therefore obvious that the only places where it is possible to find it are located on volcanic areas. There are Obsidian deposits In Italy (Sardinia), Iceland, Mexico, United States and Greece.
Its important deposits are above all intended for the Creation of art work, but also Bijoux realization. You can also find some original and unique models on our shop, among the collection of Obsidian jewelry.
Small tip: To find all our obsidian articles, you just have to type "obsidian" in the search bar of our site.
Obsidian is a glass volcanic rock which is rich in silica. There are many kinds of obsidians, this is how the composition of this stone varies from one stone to another.
Opaque and translucent, this stone has a vitrous shine. Like glass, it has a conchoidal break. This means that if you break it, you will find an appearance similar to that of the inside of a shell.
On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 5 to 5.5. She is therefore able to scratch glass.
Sometimes it may be that Obsidian glass recrystallizes. This is how we obtain in particular Obsidians "snowflake".
This stone benefit of a Original and unique shine Who finds himself, whatever his color.
You can indeed find Obsidians from different colors : gray, dark green, black, red ... These colors vary depending on the content of magnetite or hematite, but as you can notice, it is always relatively dark colors.
This is particularly the case for example, with our "Zodiac sign" pendant Available in particular in Black obsidian, Icy black obsidian And Golden obsidian.
Obsidian is a very appreciated stone, you will find it especially in the form of jewelry.
In its black version, it is very powerful and synonymous with truth, quest for oneself, but also of connection to the divine source.
Its important strength requires a lot of precaution in its manipulation. It is a protective stone which will be very useful for sensitive people, but also those which are very often led to have negative thoughts.
She is also Very used by therapists.
Whether on the physical, mental, emotional, but also spiritual level, Obsidian has many qualities, it is a stone of balance.
Obsidian has the power toAthoring joint pain, injuries, muscle cramps, arthritis. It is in a way, the solution to find a certain balance And strengthen us as well physicallythat mentally.
By his natural strength, this rock allows reduce mental stress and ofSoothe nervous tensions.
It is very important to there Clean and unload it regularly, because it is a stone that absorbs negative energies.
To clean your stone, simply place it in water, preferably salted.
Watch out has Immediately throw the water used after cleaning.
To recharge it, place your stone at the Light of the full moon, sun or in front of the flames.
Obsidian is a natural stone which is particularly suitable for the following astrological signs: Scorpion and Capricorn.
This stone offers a Direct and solid link with Earth, it is connected to Root chakra. She thus helps to release and at harmonize your chakra basic.
It is also a Stone that hunts bad waves And brings a clearer vision, it is therefore also associated with 3rd chakra, that of the solar plexus.
This is how I finish this article concerning theObsidian and its Lithotherapy properties. I quickly find you to present a new semi-precious stone to you!
Do not hesitate to leave us a comment to tell us what is the color of the obsidian you prefer and your way of wearing it.
I also invite you to take a look at this Mala Composed of pearls in Obsidian and cinnaber. Be careful, it's a limited series, there will not be for everyone!
See you soon!
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L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
February 20, 2020
Merci pour ce commentaire très riche en renseignements au sujet de l’obsidienne.