Buying guide: How to choose a singing bowl?

Guide d'achat : Comment choisir son bol chantant ?

As a zen decoration, for meditation, to find well-being, to recharge your Mala and 7 chakra natural stones in positive energies ... there are many reasons forchoose a tibetan singing bowl. Knowing its history, its different uses as well as the meaning of the manufacturing materials used make it easy to define its selection criteria.

History and origin of the Tibetan singing bowl

Classic at first glance, the Tibetan bowl has been used for millennia for spiritual and therapeutic purposes. According to studies, the first singing bowls appeared 5,000 years ago. Shamanism or bon po would be at the origin of the arrival of the singing bowl in Buddhism.

If you wantbuy a tibetan singing bowl, it is important to know its history to better guide you.

Formerly used as a kitchen utensil

The singing bowl is a particularly ancient object since the first uses date back to the time when Buddhism had not yet reached Tibet. At that time, it was used to serve food and water like any other classic kitchen utensil.

A very ancient shamanic tool

According to Asian culture, some specialists argue that shamans have already used the virtues of this particular bowl. The bowl servedfor spiritual activitiesoften linked to the care and treatment of numerous pathologies.

Use of the bowl by Buddhists

With the arrival of Buddhism, the use of the bowl became more and more precise. It is generally used during rituals and funeral ceremonies but its use has spread in the practice of meditation especially by Buddhist monks. In other beliefs like Hinduism,the chakra is directly impacted by the song of a Tibetan bowl.

The different uses of the Tibetan bowl

Nowadays, waves are recognized and more and more studied for theircurative and therapeutic properties. Light and sound are part of these waves, like electromagnetic signals and atomic radiation. Light therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, there are many examples of waves.

The sound emanating from the Tibetan bowl can also have effects on our mind and the well-being of the body. Beforeyou procure a Tibetan singing bowl, here are some of its benefits

  • To meditate: the positive vibrations that come from the Tibetan singing bowl guide the apprentice towards awakening. The effects are similar to reciting mantras while countinga Mala necklace or letting oneself smell the natural incense like oudwood incense.
    • To rebalance the chakras: singing a Tibetan bowl is a great help in rebalancing the chakras. As we will see later, the metal that makes up this container is linked to a particular energy center. Asstones in lithotherapy, the sound emanating from the bowl is beneficial for the physical and mental well-being of the listener.
    • For reiki: reiki is a method for performing care through the transmission of energies. Some reiki healers make use of the sound energies of the singing bowl during treatment.
    • For reflexology: massaging with a singing bowl is an increasingly popular practice in reflexology. In particular, it improves blood circulation, reduces stress and muscle pain.

    The different materials used in the manufacture of a bowl

    The traditional Tibetan bowl is made only of metals but there are also crystal singing bowls. Each material emits vibrations depending on its nature and provides a different sound depending on its thickness and the dimensions of the bowl. Each metal has its own particularity.

    Here are the different metals that can be included in the composition of a Tibetan singing bowl:

    1. Gold
    2. The money
    3. Mercury
    4. Tin
    5. The copper
    6. The iron
    7. The lead

    As you will have noticed, there are seven metals, which is not a coincidence. They correspond to the number of the main chakras but also to the solar system.

    As said above, each material corresponds to a particular energy center whose list of respective chakras below:

    1. The crown chakra
    2. The third eye chakra
    3. The throat chakra
    4. The spleen chakra
    5. The heart chakra
    6. The solar plexus chakra
    7. The root chakra

    You can use an alloy of the 7 metals or combine only 2 or 3 metals to make a singing bowl.

    The dimensions of the Tibetan bowl

    As we have seen previously, the dimensions of the bowl also have an important role in the sound of it. Diameter, height, thickness can affect the sound and the effects of the bowl on the body.Choose the measurements of your singing bowl depending on how you want to use it.

    • The little bowl: it is lighter and fits easily in the hand. The small singing bowls are about 10 cm in diameter and weigh 300 grams at most. The sound is sharper, conducive to concentration. This is the perfect size for practicing meditation.
    • The big bowl: large bowls weigh heavier with a minimum diameter of 25cm. It cannot be held in the hand but rather sits on a soft support like a special cushion to be able to hear the song of the bowl. The larger the size of the bowl, the more serious the diffused sounds are and permeate the body. It is most used to balance the chakras.

    Note that the thicker and deeper the bowl, the heavier it is. And the sound is different as a result. It is important to choose your singing bowl according to the sound that inspires us and transports us.

    Find out which Tibetan bowl is right for you

    We have seen the features of this tool which will have already given you a little idea aboutthe tibetan singing bowl you want to buy. However, we have a few more tips before you finalize your choice.

    Take a listening test

    If you're going to make your purchase in a physical store, don't hesitate to ask to test the bowl to listen to its song. Singing a Tibetan bowl can be done in different ways:

    • give a quick, quick blow with a mallet, much like a gong. Wait for the vibration to subside or even stop and start again.
    • stroke the rim of the bowl with a finger to release a light sound
    • stroke the edge of the bowl with the mallet. The sound emanating from the bowl will be more soothing and harmonious.

    Rely on the design

    A handcrafted singing bowl comes in different materials, different shapes and with pretty different patterns. The traditional Tibetan bowl is shaped like an inverted bell. You can choose between an entirely smooth or hammered bowl that adds a vintage and handmade touch to the object.

    As for the designs, the singing bowl may not contain any or may be engraved with strongly symbolic designs in Buddhism such as the lotus flower, mandalas, mantras and many more.

    Now you are all set to make your choice. Tell us in the comments which Tibetan bowl you prefer or have you ever used? What sensation did it give you?

    1 Response



    February 20, 2020

    Les chakras se numérotent de bas en haut, et c’est la première fois que j’entends parler du chakra de la rate, qui d’après l’ordre d’apparition au générique, se situerait au-dessus du cœur … Ou alors j’ai rien pigé ?
    Reprenons notre souffle (et notre sérieux) : … 1 chakra racine, 2 chakra sacré, 3 chakra plexus solaire, 4 chakra du cœur, 5 chakra de la gorge, 6 chakra du 3è œil, 7 chakra couronne

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