What are the differences between malas?

Quelles sont les différences entre les malas ?

The malas are necklaces or bracelets intended for meditation and prayer. They are used precisely to count mantras during recitation. Usually composed of 108 pearls, the malas have differences which mean that each person can find the one that suits them. It's important to know the differences between malas.

mala bracelet

What is a mala

The maladesignates a necklace or bracelet that acts as a rosary for meditation. Its origin would go back to 3000 years. He is from India. It gradually established itself throughout Asia and then moved to the West where its aesthetic qualities are appreciated. It is no longer only used for meditation and mantras, but also in lithotherapy as well as for yoga and as support for personal development, among others.

The mala usually consists of 108 pearls. There are reasons for this number. The number 108 symbolizes several traditional elements. For example, it refers to the 108 names of the Buddha, who is said to have undergone 108 trials before enlightenment. The heart chakra is also said to be made up of 108 energy lines. We also find the number 108 in Japan, which corresponds to the number of fires that are lit for the cult of the dead.

There are shorter malas, which have fewer beads, but these are still multiples of 108. For example, they may have 18, 27, or 54 beads. The symbolism is then respected and they can all be used for the recitation of mantras. Mantras are repeated phrases or syllables that are said to have energetic power with various functions.

Malas have a different stone, called a guru stone. This stone should not be touched during the meditation session. It is the starting point and the ending point for counting repetitions of the mantra.

Choosing a mala

Choosing a mala is above all a personal matter. It is advisable to trust your intuition. In principle, you should feel attracted to a mala in particular. Legend even says that it is the mala that chooses its owner. You just have to follow your tastes. You can also find out about the specific properties of a mala if you have a specific goal, such as starting an important project.

Choosing a mala is not that easy given that there are so many varieties. It is even said that there are a million different types of malas. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, you need to think about what you want to improve in your life. You can ask an expert to advise you on a mala who will be able to accompany youin what you are going through. There is a mala for every situation.

Other people who work with chakras may choose mala based on color. The chakras represent the psychic energy center of the body. They serve to control its subtle energy. If you are working on the throat chakra, then a blue stone mala is the right item for the opening of this chakra.

Malas and chakras

It is not uncommon for the mala to be chosen based on the intention and the chakra to which that intention relates. If you want to feel less anxious and more secure, it is advisable to choose a mala made of red stones. Colors are important symbols in the Buddhist tradition. White, red and blue are particularly loaded with symbols.

Important colors include white. It symbolizes purity, but also emancipation. A white elephant would have even announced the birth of the Buddha to his mother. Tradition says that a white mala help the wearer to free himself from ignorance and walk the path of wisdom. Meditating with a mala made of white materials would be the best way to achieve enlightenment.

Blue also has a prominent place in Buddhism. This color is often considered that of healing. It is also associated with purity and tranquility. We also associate this color with air. For the human body, it would be linked to the ears. The blue mala is considered to be very effective for people who want to transcend anger. By practicing meditation with a blue mala, it is possible to achieve self-control.

Even if you choose a mala purely for aesthetic reasons, it is important to choose a traditional and authentic object. The malas are all made with round beads. These pearls must slip easily between fingers to facilitate the counting of mantras. The size of the beads varies from 7mm to 10mm.

The materials

difference between malas

Malas can be made from different materials to which tradition grants different functions. Pearls are mostly made from wood, of grains or precious and semi-precious stones. Different energetic effects are attributed to different materials. Yoga practitioners often wear a mala bracelet around their wrist to soak up its energy.

The beads come in different sizes. For people who acquire a mala for meditation, it is easier to count mantras when the beads are larger in size. It is indeed easy to make mistakes when you have to count the mantra 108 times. The beads help focus on the mantra pronounced with less concern for counting.

Malas can be made from just one type of pearl, just as they can combine multiple materials. It all depends on what use the mala is for. The guru pearl can be the same size as other pearls, but most of the time it is a different size to be distinguished from other pearls.

As for the pearls themselves, they have been recognized for several centuries for their spiritual power. They are part of religious rituals for a large part of humanity. They are often worn for good luck or for protection. The pearls found in malas are for most associated with wisdom and knowledge as well as peace of mind. Malas are also objects of protection.

The stones

The stones used for making malas are all linked to symbols. Your choice will be different depending on your goals. The mala can be seen as a simple ornament or acquired for meditation.

For example, the mala made in tiger eye is ideal for the person looking to calm their mind. The tiger eye is known to clear negative energy. Many wear it constantly to take advantage of its beneficial effects and stay focused on the essentials. In addition to supporting meditation, tiger eye is pleasant to look at with its brown color and its hues that change according to the intensity of the light.

Tiger's Eye is also known to build self-confidence and reduce stress and anxiety. It would also be a powerful engine of creativity. On a physical level, the mala made with the tiger eye would help decrease hypertension while alleviating asthma and joint problems.


Obsidian is also frequently used in the manufacture of mala. It has beneficial properties that act on the creativity and strengthen the immune system. Above all, obsidian is often part of the protection malas. A obsidian stone mala is recommended for vulnerable people who have just gone through difficult times. The mala should help them find inner peace.

The other stones

The mala in garnet stone is also one of the most popular spiritual objects. Already carved in ancient Egypt, this stone has long been used to bring positive energy to the person who comes in contact with it. This stone is associated with mysticism. Its name is derived from grenade, which has the same red color. Red represents blood and life force.

The mala in clay stone is recommended for people who want to move forward and are entering an important stage in their life. It helps to overcome obstacles with energy and courage.

The lava rock is also one of the elements with powerful and beneficial energy power. It is associated with protective malas. It helps to bond with both earth energy and fire, while having the power to appease anger.

Wood is also one of the preferred materials for making malas. It is a noble and soft material known for its soothing faculties. Its understated tone also goes well with any outfit. Often adopted by yoga practitioners, the wood mala helps ward off negative thoughts and refocus on the essential. Sandalwood, wenge wood and oudwood are often among the materials used in making malas.


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