In a previous article from last April, I introduced you to sandalwood. This article is also still available on our blog if you want to take a look:What is sandalwood? Uses and virtues
At Artisan d'Asie, we find it important to take the time to introduce you to each of the materials used by artisans.
Indeed, when buying a decorative object, a jewel, mediation accessories, it is necessary to give importance to the materials used for the making of these objects.
The benefits and virtues vary according to the stones and wood used, you must therefore make your choice according to what suits you the most.
For this new week, I suggest you continue our journey of discovery with the following article:How to recognize cedar wood?
Handcrafted Buddhist Mala Bracelet Necklace - 108 Thuja Wood Beads
Let's see what he can reveal to us ...
Its name is straight from Latin "cedrus" and Greek "kedros".
Cedar (Cedrus Libani) is the symbol of lebanon, it is not by chance that it is represented on the flag of the country.
It is a wood that does not rot, it is naturally resistant to humidity, fungi and insects, without needing any treatment.
This wood has been used in the Middle East for many years in the construction industry: ships, palaces, but also for the creation of furniture.
Since Antiquity, we notice that it is much appreciated, in particular for:
It is one of the tallest trees. This majestic conifer can indeed reach up to 50 meters high!
It is also recognizable by its cone-shaped crownand his branches that appear in horizontal superposition, one above the other.
In Canada, it is also found under the name of Thuja (Red cedar).Remarkable for its perennial foliage, it is also nicknamed Arbor Vitae, which means Tree of Lifein Latin.
Handcrafted Buddhist mala in cedar wood (Thuja)
There are essentially 4 species of Cedars, all corresponding to a particular geographical area:
The essential oil of blue cedar is coveted by many herbal medicine professionals. Indeed, its benefits are numerous:
Usually used as a massage, it is also possible to inhale it to overcome stress and nervous tension.
This very fragrant wood is crushed in order to obtain essential oil by distillation.
Whether in cosmetic use (draining massage) or for the composition of shampoos or lotions, this oil is still frequently used for its benefits and virtues (antifungal, antiseptic, healing properties, ...).
We find it very oftenin diffusion among practitioners of yoga and of meditation for its relaxing and soothing virtues.
It can also be very effective in keeping moths away in the bedroom or kitchen cupboards, as well as mosquitoes.
The Cedars are regularly used for decorate gardens and public parks.
They have been used for reforestation purposes. In the 90s, around 20,000 hectares of cedars were replanted in the south of France.
It is a wood which is becoming rare and who is widely used by craftsmen for artisanal confection decorative items. You will find in particular boxes, trays and also beads dedicated to the creation of jewelry.
Mala Necklace in Thuja and Amulet in Vegetal Ivory (Tagua Nut) - Lotus Flower
I tell you that we are already at the end of this new article. Hope this one gave you some new things to discover and you enjoyed reading it.
If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to me using the comments form below.
We will meet again next Tuesday for a new subject, I wish you a very good week!
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L’art traditionnel chinois du Feng Shui, qui cherche à établir l’harmonie entre les personnes et leur environnement en équilibrant le flux de qi. Il englobe des concepts majeurs comme les Cinq Éléments (Bois, Feu, Terre, Métal, Eau), le Yin et le Yang, ainsi que la carte Bagua. L’article offre des conseils pratiques sur l’utilisation du Feng Shui dans votre maison, tels que le décluttering, l’amélioration de l’entrée et l’équilibre des éléments. Il se concentre également sur la manière dont les produits d’Artisan of Asia, comme les sculptures de Bouddha et les produits Feng Shui authentiques, peuvent vous aider à mettre en œuvre ces principes dans votre maison. En adoptant les lois du Feng Shui, vous pouvez rendre votre vie plus facile et plus soutenue, afin de réaliser vos rêves et vivre une vie meilleure.
Trouvez notre collection d’art et de décoration asiatiques dans nos magasins Artisan d’Asie et Artisan of Asia, et commencez votre voyage Feng Shui dès aujourd’hui.
L'Essence du Yin et du Yang
Le concept chinois ancien du Yin et du Yang représente l'équilibre fondamental des forces opposées dans notre univers. Cette philosophie intemporelle nous enseigne que les forces apparemment contraires sont en réalité complémentaires, créant une harmonie parfaite que l'on retrouve dans la nature, la société et en nous-mêmes.
February 20, 2020
Merci j’ai appris beaucoup sur le cèdre grâce à votre article